JAWKU SPEED Usage Instructions (Android)


Alright we know instructions are boring, but the good news is this is your last step in mastering the JAWKU Speed App. It is now time to test your speed! Follow the usage instructions below to get familiar with your sensor/JAWKU Appand #GETFAST!

1) Go through and read the series of prompts

Read and go through the series of prompts shown by the JAWKU App. These will only appear once unless you flip the camera you wish to use. Things to note..

1) Line up the white faint line in the center of the camera with the finish line as the time will stop based off the center line.

2) Make sure the camera is CLEAR AT ALL TIMES. The JAWKU App is a photo finish system. Any movement in front of the camera may cause the camera to trigger early or error messages to occur

2) Place the phone at the finish line and press the ready button

The ready button must be pressed while the sensor is next to the phone. If you try to press the ready button while the sensor is disconnected it will not allow you to continue. 

3) After pressing the ready button a 120 time sync process will occur!

This is VERY Important to ensure the accuracy of the JAWKU Speed. During this process keep the phone and sensor right next to each other until the countdown is finished. If the sensor disconnects or leaves the phone during this process inaccurate times/error messages may occur. Note this only happens the first time a new sensor is paired to a device.

 4) Head to the start and get ready to capture your time! 

Once the sync is completed you should go to the start and interact with your JAWKU Sensor. When the sensor is pressed you should get a beep to confirm. Your start will be dependent on the start type you selected, movement or audible. Note that the beep when the sensor is pressed does not count as one of the three beeps while using audible mode. Athletes should run between3-5 feet in front of the camera to ensure the athlete is captured properly

Important Things To Note

Bluetooth Range

The JAWKU Speed does operate off Bluetooth. Once the devices is 10-20 feet away from the device, the sensor will disconnect. However as long as you follow the procedures above, this should not matter and is completely normal. Just start your test as normal and the sensor will automatically reconnect back to the phone after the test is complete.

**Note that after saving/discarding a result a small delay may occur with the sensor and phone due to Android operating systems**

Placing the Phone Down after ready button has been pressed

Placing the phone down after the ready button has been pressed may cause an error message to occur depending on your operating system. To ensure this does not occur, press the ready button after the phone as been placed in the proper position 
