With the free event taking place March 1-5, 2021, participants will hear from top minds in football and network with thousands of coaches across the country at this one-of-a-kind free virtual event. They will also hear about new innovations coming from Hudl in 2021, including products that are going to revolutionize Friday nights (again), including the JAWKU Speed personal performance measurement system and the company's line of Muscle Blaster massage guns.
Tim Spooner CEO and Founder of Spooner Physical Therapy with over 22 locations, specializing in athletic performance and rehab as well as education worldwide.Injury prevention is a booming topic within the world of football. Spooner takes coaches through a few strategies and protocols they can utilize to ensure player safety and resilience. Like how to properly warmup and the elements of recovery that can bulletproof your athlete. |
Michael Cummings EXOS-educated Performance and Rehabilitation Specialist and was part of the EXOS education team. He holds various certifications ranging from Russian Kettle Bells and Steel Maces to Brain Training and Positive Coaching. He has designed and developed methodology, education, training programs and gear for many top companies, organizations and teams.A fatigued athlete is an athlete on the verge of injury. Therefore, identifying fatigue in athletes is very important as fatigue comes in many different ways. Athletes suffer Metabolic, Neurological, Psychological and Mechanical stressors which cause this fatigue. MC will talk about the characteristics and regenerative strategies of each. How a coach can "observe" athletes suffering through verbal and non-verbal cues. He will discuss the main causes, the expressions and how to successfully help your footballer recover adequately. |
Gary Cablayan Founder & CEO of Evo Sports Training, which trains some of the world's fastest athletes, including John Ross II who set the NFL 40yd dash record, and trains many Olympic athletes and teams.If you can’t test it, you can’t train it. Without measurement coaches don’t know an athlete’s baseline. If you don’t know the athlete's baseline then how do you go about designing a program for them? And if you’re not re-measuring at specific milestones, how do you know if the athlete is responding positively to your program? Gary has trained some of the fastest athletes on the planet, and he will show you how he and his team use measurement to build the fastest athletes. |
JAWKU supports coaches during these times with industry-leading education and strategy. Get excited for top-of-the-line speakers to help you take your game and coaching to the next level, network with thousands of coaches, and enjoy an experience unlike any other. Be sure to join us for the JAWKU day on Tuesday, March 2nd.